
News Release

Why choose
the faculty of mineral and energy technology ?

FTME UPNVY is a faculty of earth science that has the most complete study programs in Indonesia, namely Geological Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, and Environmental Engineering. Study programs that study the philosophy and fundamentals of earth science, exploration to extraction of mineral and energy resources, as well as conservation and management of environmental impacts.

The implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education is based on the basic principles of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, including academic freedom and the sesanti “Widya Mwat Yasa”, namely studying knowledge to be devoted to the State with a pure, clean, sincere and sincere heart. In addition, according to what has been determined by the university, the implementation of tridarma is based on the values of discipline; struggle; creativity; excellence; defending the country; honesty; and caring for the environment.

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